Collision and Response

Collision detection

  • Using a space partitioning algorithm to dispatch all the Scene Entity list into some space cell, according to a limited number of nodes per cell, and a limited level of depth into the partition tree. The selected pattern is a Quadtree.
  • Detect collision between STATIC and DYNAMIC PhysicType’s Entity (NONE are excluded).
  • On collision process response by calling the Behavior#onCollide(CollisionEvent) method for each concerned Entity.

Entity update

The Entity class is updated with some new attributes :

  • collisions: a list of CollisionEvent.

public static class Entity {
    private final Collection<CollisionEvent> collisions = new ArrayList<>();

    public Entity add(CollisionEvent ce) {
        return this;

    public Collection<CollisionEvent> getCollisions() {
        return collisions;

Behavior update

The existing Behavior interface is updated with a new event;: onCollide(CollisionEvent):

public interface Behavior<Entity> {
    default void onCollision(CollisionEvent ce) {



We need a new object to define a collision: the CollisionEvent containing src and target of the collision, the collision normal, the depth of penetration factor and a collision side:

public static class CollisionEvent {
    private final Entity srcCollision;
    private final Entity dstCollision;
    private Vector2D collisionNormal;
    private double penetrationDepth;
    private CollisionSide side;
    // getters and setters.

Collision Detection

On each detected collision, a CollisionEvent is created and dispatch to concerned Entity’s.

public class KaraPlatform {
    public void update(long d) {
        Collection<Entity> entities = sceneManager.getCurrent().getEntities();
        // <1>
        cullingProcess(this, d);
                .forEach(e -> {
                    if (!e.getPhysicType().equals(PhysicType.NONE)) {
                        // compute physic on the Entity (velocity & position)
                        applyPhysics(world, e, d);
                        // <2> detect collision and apply response
                        detectCollision(world, e, d);

    public synchronized void cullingProcess(KarmaPlatform game, double d) {
                .forEach(e -> {
  1. Modify the KarmaPlatform#update method to manage the Space partitioning
  2. Let’s detect possible collision

  3. And the detection process itself by checking only the concerned space partition and the contained Entities :
  private void detectCollision(World w, Entity e, double d) {
    Collection<Entity> entities = sceneManager.getCurrent().getEntities();
    List<Entity> collisionList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
    // <3>
    spacePartition.find(collisionList, e);
    collisionCounter = 0;
    collisionList.forEach(o -> {
        if (e.isActive() && !o.equals(e) && o.isActive()
                && !o.getPhysicType().equals(PhysicType.NONE)) {
            handleCollision(e, o);

The handling of the resulting collision is processed into the handleCollision method.

Collision Response


  • capture and process event
  • update Entity position