Adding Text object

The basic Entity class is useful for dynamic objects that need to move on screen. But we sometime need to display some text on screen! And this is where Text object will be used.

Want to show a score, a counter, a number of lives, text is often on famous HUD (Head Up Display) of the platform/arcade games.

Enhancing Entity

To let thing move, or not, we need to add a new attribute to our Entity, an info telling us if the Entity is a static one (not moving one) or a dynamic one (constrained by some physic laws).

public static class Entity {
    private PhysicType physicType;

    public Entity setPhysicType(PhysicType pt) {
        this.physicType = pt;
        return this;

    public PhysicType getPhysicType() {
        return physicType;

And the new enumeration will support three possible states:

  • NONE, NOT constrained by AND NOT contributing to physical laws, the object is invisible by others
  • DYNAMIC, Contributing AND constrained by physical laws, the object interacts with all the others,
  • STATIC Contributing AND NOT constrained by physical laws. It Can be used as a static object in the scene that other objects will interact with.
public enum PhysicType {

So, in the KarmaApp#update(long) processing, we must take care of the physicType attribute value.

We may only process all the entities that are not of a NONE PhysicType <1>.

public void update(long d) {
            // <1> Filter only STATIC and DYNAMIC entities
            .filter(e -> !e.getPhysicType().equals(PhysicType.NONE))
            .forEach(e -> {
                applyPhysics(e, world, d);

In the physical processing, only process required DYNAMIC entities <2>:

private void applyPhysics(Entity e, World w, long d) {
    // <2> apply velocity computation on DYNAMIC entities
    if (e.getPhysicType().equals(PhysicType.DYNAMIC)) {
        e.x += e.dx * d;
        e.y += (e.dy + (w.getGravity() * 0.1)) * d;

In the collision detection process, we filter only STATIC and DYNAMIC entities <"3">:

    private void detectCollision(World w, Entity e) {
                    o -> e.isActive()
                            // <5> exclude NONE PhysicType entities.
                            && !o.getPhysicType().equals(PhysicType.NONE)
                            && o.isActive()
                            && !o.equals(e)).forEach(o -> {
                if ( || {
                    e.dx = Math.max(o.dx, e.dx) * -Math.max(e.getElasticity(), o.getElasticity());
                    e.dy = Math.max(o.dy, e.dy) * -Math.max(e.getElasticity(), o.getElasticity());

And finally, into the play area constrain, only process DYNAMIC entities <4>:

private void keepInPlayArea(World w, Entity e) {
    // <4> Contained to play area only DYNAMIC entity only
    if (e.getPhysicType().equals(PhysicType.DYNAMIC)) {
        Rectangle2D playArea = w.getPlayArea();
        if (!playArea.contains( {
            if (e.x < playArea.getX()) {
                e.dx = e.dx * -e.getElasticity();
                e.x = playArea.getX();

Display now some text

the new class TextObject is extending Entity to inherit from it, and add some new attributes:

public static class TextObject extends Entity {
    private String text;
    private Color textColor;
    private float fontSize = 10.0f;

    public TextObject(String name) {
        this.textColor = Color.WHITE;
        this.text = "EMPTY";

    public TextObject setText(String t) {
        this.text = t;
        return this;

    public String getText() {
        return text;

    public TextObject setTextColor(Color tc) {
        this.textColor = tc;
        return this;

    public Color getTextColor() {
        return this.textColor;

    public TextObject setFontSize(float fs) {
        this.fontSize = fs;
        return this;

    public float getFontSize() {
        return fontSize;

And to display this new entity, we need to enhance the KarmaApp#draw() method; according the nature of the entity (its own class) we will draw it with a different method:

public void draw() {
    // Draw things
            .forEach(e -> {
                switch (e.getClass().getSimpleName()) {
                    case "TextObject" -> {
                        drawTextObject((TextObject) e, g);
                    case "Entity" -> {
                        drawEntity(e, g);

We moved the Entity drawing process into the drawEntity() method and create the new drawTextObject()

private static void drawTextObject(TextObject to, Graphics2D g) {
    g.drawString(to.getText(), (int) to.x, (int) to.y);

and create one object to test everything:

public void createScene() {
    TextObject score = (TextObject) new TextObject("score")
            .setPosition(16, 18)

let’s compile and run :

The new TextObject to display some text

Enhancing the TextObject

We can add new features to our TextObject, like a black border, and a text format to automatically define a formatting text for the supported value,and a better draw control with a font attribute.

let’s add nw attributes:

public static class TextObject extends Entity {
    private Font font;
    private String format = "";
    private Object value;

    public TextObject setFont(Font f) {
        this.font = f;
        return this;

    public Font getFont() {
        return font;

    public TextObject setFormat(String f) {
        this.format = f;
        return this;

    public String getFormat() {
        return format;

    public TextObject setValue(Object v) {
        this.value = v;
        if (!this.format.equals("")) {
            this.text = String.format(this.format, value);
        return this;

    public Object getValue() {
        return value;

now in the rendering process :

private static void drawTextObject(TextObject to, Graphics2D g) {
    for (int dx = -1; dx < 2; dx++) {
        for (int dy = -1; dy < 2; dy++) {
            g.drawString(to.getText(), (int) to.x + dx, (int) to.y + dy);
    g.drawString(to.getText(), (int) to.x, (int) to.y);

And for our sample code, we add 2 new variables: score and lives.

public class KarmaApp extends JPanel implements KeyListener {
    private int lives = 5;
    private int score = 0;

modify our existing scoreTxt and lifeTxt TextObject initialization :

First, initialize a new Font for the score <1>, then define the new font ,value and format for the score <2> And then, create a second smaller font for the number of remaining lives <3>, and set everything <4>

public void createScene() {
    // Add a HUD score display
    // <1>
    Font fsc = buffer.createGraphics().getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD, 18.0f);
    TextObject score = (TextObject) new TextObject("score")
            // <2>
            .setPosition(10, 18)
    // <3>
    Font fl = buffer.createGraphics().getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD, 12.0f);
    TextObject livesTxt = (TextObject) new TextObject("lives")
            // <4>
            .setPosition(resSize.width - 20, 22)


We also will adapt the update method:

    public void update(long d) {
    ((TextObject) entities.get("lives")).setValue(lives);
    ((TextObject) entities.get("score")).setValue(score);

Compile and run !

the resulting changes on the score and lives