
The Application


The main class for all the application will consist in the core loop of our game. The Application class will embed all the required loop structure and API initial call.

!theme plain
main -> Application: new
Application-> Application:initialize()
Application--> main : game instance
main -> Application: run
Application-> Application:create
loop until exit
  Application-> Application:input()
  alt not paused
    Application -> Application:update()
  Application-> Application:render()
  Application -> Application:wait()
Application-> Application:dispose()

figure 1.1 - The initial lifecycle API call from the Application main class, inherited by any game implementation.

The Application class

the game loop lifecycle will inspire a lot our Application class :

public class Application {
    private void initialize() {

    private void create() {

    private void loop() {

    private void input() {

    private void update() {

    private void render() {

    private void wait() {

    private void dispose() {

    public void run(String[] args) {

These are all the main methods to be implemented. We will also need some attributes, to get a sustainable main loop:

the main entry point if the method.

To use the Application class:

public class MyApp {
    public static void main(String argc[]) {
        Application app = new Application();;
public class Application {
    private boolean exit;
    private boolean pause;

    public void initialize() {

Some new attribute will be added along the code exploration and development.

The main loop implementation

The core function of our Application class i s the loop method. Everything is sync from this loop.

public class Application {
    private boolean exit;
    private boolean pause;

    private void loop() {
        FPS = 60;
        UPS = 60;

        long start = System.nanoTime();
        long previous = start;
        long elapsedTime = 0;
        int fpsTime = 0;
        int realFPS = 0;
        int realUPS = 0;
        int frames = 0;
        int updates = 0;
        int wait = 0;
        long cumulatedGameTime = 0;
        long upsTime = 0;
        Map<String, Object> datastats = new HashMap<>();
        do {
            scene = ((SceneManager) GSystemManager.find(SceneManager.class)).getCurrent();
            start = System.nanoTime();
            long elapsed = start - previous;

            input(inputHandler, scene);
            if (!pause) {
                if (upsTime > (1000.0 / UPS)) {
                    physicEngine.update(scene, elapsed * 0.00000002, datastats);
                    spacePartition.update(scene, elapsed * 0.00000002);
                    cd.update(scene, elapsed * 0.00000002, datastats);
                    upsTime = 0;

                upsTime += (elapsed * 0.00001);
                cumulatedGameTime += elapsed * 0.000001;
            if (fpsTime > (1000.0 / FPS)) {
                renderer.draw(physicEngine.getWorld(), scene, datastats);
                fpsTime = 0;

            fpsTime += (elapsed * 0.00001);
            previous = start;
            elapsedTime += (elapsed * 0.000001);
            if (elapsedTime > 1000) {
                realFPS = frames;
                realUPS = updates;
                traceStatsCycle(scene, realFPS, realUPS, datastats);

                elapsedTime = 0;
                frames = 0;
                updates = 0;
        } while (!exit);